After my post which looked at some of the loose claims of YFM presenter Jeremie, I got a phone call from a gentleman in Ghana…
Jeremie’s silly claim that her acquired foreign accent of no origin is REAL is not worth talking about. My little cousin even knows it is FAKE and we all know she has serious pronunciation issues.
On her claim of being a virgin, before I even got the phone call I had concluded that she was lying. Not simply because it is not possible to be a virgin at 27 but because it was coming from a person who can stand and say an obvious fake accent like hers is real.
If she can lie about something we all hear and know it is fake, then the probability that she will lie about something such as being a virgin which not many can determine is extremely high.
According to this gentleman who claims to be an ex boyfriend of attention seeking Jeremie, he cannot count the number of times they had sexual intercourse during their one and half year relationship.
” if Jeremie wants to lie about things, she can lie about her accent but to say she is a virgin is a cut on the face of people like me who have been in a relationship with her. I cannot even count the number of times we did it during our one and half year relationship. And when I met her, she was no way a virgin” the gentleman said…
As you may know, I hate people who hide behind the veil to make substantial claims about others. I asked the so called ex BF if I can mention his name (the name he gave me) and he answered no. His reason for not wanting his name to be out here is ” I am happily married and have a little girl, i do not want my new family to know I ever had a fling with Jeremie…” .
I wonder what is so embarrassing about Jeremie that he porbably does not want his lovely family to know he once banged her.
My 10 minutes phone conversation with this gentleman who claims to have ran through Jeremie’s project countless times ended on the note that, should Jeremie insists on her claim of being a virgin, we will have an audio interview on this subject….Does this even worth my space?
Anyway, if Jeremie is not a virgin as the gentleman claims (and I believe she is not) , why is she telling us that she is? Even if you are virgin, must we be told during an interview on TV?
Is it the new trend in town for celebrities to be making VIRGIN MARY claims? DELAY, 28 claims to be one and one Jeremie,27…I guess my mother is also a Virgin…
Source: Chris-Vincent Agyapong Febiri
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