When I say the only law in enforcement in Ghana is the inability of males to use the washroom of ladies, my comments are deemed harsh.
It has been an open secret over the years that the sale of pornographic materials is still rampant in Ghana. Out of every two Malians, Nigerians or Burkinabe with their bags at their back plying their trade in the sales of movies in Ghana, you will not be surprised to note that they are illicitly selling pirated movies with pornographic movies dominating.
Although I’m not in support of their trade and condemn their actions, I must say their actions in some way must be commended. In the first instance, they are eradicating the early exposure of pornographic materials to reach the young and under-aged of school going age. Secondly, they make it available to the privileged few who would want to have them to spice their sex life.
I know the laws of Ghana prohibits the sales of pornographic materials and its open display, but I must say the enforcers of the law are either sleeping or getting paid by the tax payer for no job done. Recent visits to the Accra-Tema station made some shocking revelations. In the full glare of both the young and adults who troop to the market for various reasons were the open display of the sale of pornographic films.
Whiles some had titles such as “mapouka”, “wild girls’ game” and “soft daddies”, others bore no titles with just the display of busty and plump looking women exposing their breasts and sex organs. To my amazement, the seller who was auctioning the CD sales had a bell and was vocally drawing the attention of on lookers. Amazingly, police personnel who were passing by were smiling to his trade antics instead of enforcing the law.
My question to authorities whose duties are to see to the enforcement of these laws after its enactment is, “what exactly is their duty pertaining to these criminal offences”? Are they only to sit in their air-conditioned offices and drive in fuel guzzling cars to get paid at the end of the month? It’s very pathetic to see music and movie pirates get many years of jail sentences for pirating intellectual properties of others whereas the deeds of others which cripplesand corrupt societal morals are seen as “holy”.
Who isn't a video or audio pirate in one form or the other? Are all the music played in our cars and videos watched in our homes the original copies? Here lies the scenario, where all of us fall culprits, why single out the few culprits whereas those porn selling marketers get “praised” for their deeds.
Playing the devil’s advocate, I will pretend the attention of authorities to nib these acts in the bud have not been drawn to this. I will therefore make the humble appeal to the authorities to troop to the Accra-Tema station as soon as possible and arrest this situation before it escalates. I understand the saying that “A MAN MUST EAT” but a man must not eat at the detriment of others. If such be the scenario, then crime will be made legal and the earth will perish.
Source: Flex
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